In the Kitchen with RSD

I love cooking; it’s a fun, relaxing and tasty way to pass the time. With RSD, however, it’s gotten a little bit more interesting.

The RSDer’s Universal Rules of Cooking

Rule One: Muscle Spazzies will occur more frequently

Usually, spazzies will crop up as soon as you pick up something hot, easy to spill, or breakable. Not only is this a complete waste, but it’s a a pain, in every sense of the word, when you hit hot metal or have to clean up spills.

Bright side: Making drinks that require shaking, or foods that need something sprinkled on easier to make.

Rule Two: The RSD Imps will acquire new “toys”

Over the years I’ve acquired the usual cooking reflexes (e.g., if something burning hot is splashed on you, set down everything and run it under cold water). Unfortunately, a bit of hot oil splashing on the arm was enough to give the RSD Imps a new toy.

Now it likes to set off a “you’re burning your arm on something” whenever I’m making something, causing me to fling everything down and run to the sink.

Bright side: You will become a kitchen ninja.

Imps of Pain: Flake

Name: Flake
Height: 3.2′
Pain Type: Causes limbs to feel cold-to-the-touch, and cold/freezing sensations
Hobbies: Loves to make ice sculptures; raises albino rabbits

Printer Issues Resolved… Hopefully

Okay, the printers have corrected the printing error (yay!) so anyone who has ordered a copy within the past week should receive a corrected copy.

If you have (or do) receive a misprinted copy, email a picture of the page to and they will send you a replacement copy. (If they don’t, please let me know, and I will sick the imps on them.)

For reference, here’s a picture of the random page addition that mucked it up:

General Frustration: Printer Goof-Up

UPDATE 2-8-12: Issue Hopefully Fixed

(Note: Apparently you must click the image above for it to animate…)

So, it seems as though the company printing/distributing my comic messed up the printing file. A page from someone else’s comic has been inserted into it, which has the added <sarcasm> benefit </sarcasm> of messing up how the pages are printed/assembled. For those of you who have ordered a copy already: I’m really sorry about this; I’ve contact the printers about the issue, and will keep you updated.